Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Jodi Walker Roland-#2 Bridesmaid

Well, well, well....Where do I begin with Jodi? I asked all my bridesmaids to write a funny memory that they had with me and she said she had never broken rules until she was friends with me! Glad I could help a girl out!;-) I actually was a really good girl back then and so was she, I just hated school! I met her in eighth grade. They closed down the Jr. High that I went to so I was split from all my friends because they went to the rival school and the rivalry in Idaho Falls was tense! LOL I was on a friend hunt and it couldn't be just any friend because my best friend that I always got into trouble with me in Mr. Tremaine's class was a hard act to follow. It was the first day of school and lo and behold I had Mr. Tremaine again! He moved with me, his favorite student to the new school. I was in his class missing my side kick Trinette when I looked over and there was the cutest girl with an awesome laugh. I liked her even more when she laughed really hard at my jokes! Mr. Tremaine was calling out the role and he said oh great! Nice to see you again Monette mustard mouth Dias! I thought that would make the class hate me but I was the instant star and had instant popularity. Who would have thought? Over the year Jodi and I had more fun in that class. She was so scared at first when I was telling her how I could get us out of class because yes she was such a good student. She remembers it that we were kicked out everyday but the truth is everyday we would walk into his class and tell him that we were needed somewhere.  He then would write us a hall pass and we would be gone the whole class time. I remember finding out that there was asbestos in the ceiling and we felt it our duty to take that time that we were out of his class to notify people. I can not believe that the whole year went by and not one teacher stopped us. By the middle of the year we would walk into class and before we could open our mouths he would say "I don't want to hear it Monette excuses Dias, just take the pass and go." Jodi was then known as Jodi mustard mouth Walker. I was soooo proud of her! I do have to add that we never got lower than a B in his class even though we were never there! She was such a fun friend and we spent most weekends having sleepovers. We had a mutual friend and somehow 3 girls just don't do well together and I am so sad that we didn't do much together the next year but we never stopped being friends. We found each other on facebook a year ago and we talked on the phone and she came to see me with her darling daughter at my store. It was such an awesome thing for me. We had an amazing talk and I felt so grateful that once again we were great friends. I am so lucky to call you friend Jodi!

Monette and her third eye

It’s been a huge adjustment coming to Vegas, So far it’s always HOT!!!! However we don’t know a bunch of people here, and that’s nice. We have both been working really hard on trying to fix this place up. (refer to the pictures on Monette’s Facebook.) Bryson and Michael start school on Monday and that’s going to be like a slice of heaven because those two always seem like they are on the verge of killing each other, I just don’t know who is going to take care of their dog. We still have tons of planning for the wedding but Monette knows what she wants to do for the most part and if anyone can do this it’s her. I am not sure how she does it, but she can see things that are not there and make it happen. She can picture things in her head and then somehow she puts it together as if she had done the same thing a hundred times before. It’s pretty incredible. It’s like she has a third eye, and I have looked and looked and I can’t find it anywhere. We have this buffet that we got that looked pretty good, it needed to be polished or something because at was showing some wear and tear but she said sand it because she wanted to paint it this olive leaf color. Looks lime green to me, and all I could think was gross, after she paints it that color we are going to have to keep it. It was not more than 24 hours later she had finished applying the stain and it was one of the best looking pieces she had done, next to the Pier 1 table that is sexy. I don’t know how she does it but I am so grateful that she loves me.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Wendy Weaver Stephens

I told you that I picked each bridesmaid that I am asking for a very specific reason for the part they have played in my life. I haven't even asked all of them yet if they would do it but now I have another week at least as I am only writing about one everyday!:-) When I was almost 15 in ninth grade my dad was killed in an accident. I was living in Idaho Falls and was very outgoing and happy. When my dad died I never thought I would be the same again. I started school at Weber High and I felt like I had been sent to a different country not a different state. We lived in a house where they called it "snob hill" and that is exactly what it was. I love all those people dearly now but it was hard to break into the "click". I had the most amazing English teacher Lynette Atkinson and she saved my life in that school. She took extra time with me and would sit in her office with me and let me cry when I missed my dad or my life I had left behind. This is where I first met Wendy. She was the sweetest, most naive person I had ever met! That is coming from Miss Naive herself! LOL Miss A sat me next to her and we were friends instantly! I remember how good it was to laugh and joke until we both cried and somehow feel like myself with her again! It is really funny because I think that is the only class we ever had together. She lived up in the Valley which back then felt like a day road trip to me and so we really never hung out that much out of school. It was just that year seeing each other everyday that helped pull me through that first year without my dad and a new school.  Anyone that knows her could tell you what a light she has! She is genuine and kind. Her bright spirit lifts everyone around her. I hadn't talked to her since high school and then we connected on facebook. Her first comment to me was how many friends I had and that she would know that is how if would be knowing me. I was just going through a horrible divorce (I know crazy! Like that ever happens;-) and once again her sunshine brightened my day! I don't think she ever knew what a huge impact she had on my life! She is one of those friends that you never forget and that is why I want her in my line on my special day!

Moving on

The last couple of days I have been talking about getting Monette’s ex-husbands to come be in my line as groomsmen, and although the thought of having these guys attend at the front of the line it seems like it has spiraled this into nothing more than a joke. That’s not how I want this to come across, and to plan based on these guys was foolish of me. I truly love Monette and I would do anything to make her happy, and even though on occasion we do laugh about her ex’s and the number of them it boils down to what else can you do about it? I could go off into a rant about the things that I have heard and not just from my soon to be wife, but her children. People have made comments about these guys and the only release from us is by making jokes. Truth is I have heard horror stories about these guys and I have known Monette for 15 years and I have never met a sweeter person and I am speechless to how someone could treat her the way that they did and still have the nerve to refer to themselves as a man.

Monette can be difficult without a doubt but it’s nothing in comparison to how amazing she is. One wife to her ex had even posted my first blog on getting the groomsmen and talked back and forth about it with her friend making jokes and cuts at Monette, and how ever sad that might seem and how insecure this woman must be with herself, I think it’s important that if someone feels like Monette is an easy target because of her past, and that making jokes at her expense because she doesn’t keep secrets is okay than I have nothing but pity for these simple few and wish them well. I highly doubt that she will be taking this blog in its entirety and posting it on her Facebook.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Update on groomsmen

We got some positive feedback from one of the ex-wives, indirectly… So I think that’s a good sign that we might be able to get these guys online with this whole deal. Monette talked to one of them and he just needs to check with his new wife to see if she will be okay with this. This is a little discouraging though because now that’s not just 8 ex-husbands but if all of them are married we are going to have to try to get their wives on board with the deal too. It will not be as fun if we use cardboard cut outs of the guys to do this because it’s windy in Vegas and I don’t want large pictures of Monette’s ex-husbands flying all over the place.

We still need the people that come on here to join this page because that’s the whole idea of this thing and post some responses to this stuff because otherwise I am talking to myself with no feedback, and to be honest I would rather spend my time taking a “nap”.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Picking my Bridesmaids:-)

This is one of my favorite parts of the wedding because I so love my friends. To have a whole group of us together dressed up celebrating my day is even better. I love weddings obviously but now that I do weddings for a living I can stop planning my own. LOL Truth is I have never really had a "real" wedding because it has always been rushed and I throw it together in 24 hours with a little help from my friends;-) One time Debbie, Maurie and I pulled one off in 24 hours with a special music for the wedding march, Styrofoam wedding cake and Debbie got a dress for me because I was on wedding 4 and never had a real wedding dress before. If the best man wouldn't have come in a plaid shirt and striped tie it would have been fabulous! LOL I have THE best friends in the world! I am going to post daily on each one of my bridesmaids and I will end with my maid or matron of honor. I also will tell you the friend or family member that has been to most of my weddings. I want you all to know how great and funny all my friends are. I have so many great friends I should have 20 bridesmaids at least but the ones I have picked I will tell you why there is a special significance to why they are in my line. The stories I will tell will sometimes seem untrue but I promise it all happened! LOL

Groomsman Wanted!!!

As I am sure some of you know because this is going to be Monette’s 11th marriage and we are getting married on 11-11-11 at 11:00 am. We are doing everything to match. I am going to have 11 groomsmen, and she is going to have 11 bridesmaids. This is easy for her because she has an endless supply of friends and family to choose from. I on the other hand am a huge shut in and most of my family will probably not be attending for one reason or another. The point is I have a best man, and we have decided it would be fun if we got all of her ex-husbands to be groomsmen. I am not sure if all of them will accept and to be honest I don’t know the proper etiquette in asking her ex-husbands especially after hearing some stories about them from her children. If all of these guys do accept I can guarantee it will make for a momentous night and not just for Monette and me but also for all those who attend. Make sure to bring your camcorders because you are only going to get to see this once. If any of you know one of my fiancés ex-husbands please help me in convincing them to be a part of this historic event and have them contact us. Via Facebook, email, or by phone. We need RSVP’s from all those that are to attend.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

New Career

Today my best friend and I are having a good day. We started doing more furniture, and are preparing for a yard sale tomorrow because Craig’s list is not showing us much love. We have been doing the furniture for almost a month now and bless Monette’s heart for being patient with me, you see I have never done work like this before, and as a matter of fact it has always been the opposite for me meaning manual labor was always a last option type of deal. I am Mexican, but I am not that kind of Mexican. If you are looking for an Aguallo that does labor, and works on cars, houses, or any other duty that causes fatigue please feel free to refer to my father. I need to go get my nails done. I have to get back to work before the foreman docks my pay again. lol

This post was kind of short because I need everyone’s help. Please sign up and log into our blog and start making comments, because we need all of your feed back and support. If you are having any trouble email us or drop us a line on face book so we can get this thing rolling. Thanks for reading and we hope to hear from you soon.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Learning Humility

The idea Monette had for doing our wedding came up before we got engaged. While we were dating her friend and Monette were talking about this idea and brought it to my attention. I am not going to lie I was not excited about the idea at first because I knew I loved her but I was not sure getting married based on a date that coincides with the number of times she has been married was something that I would like. Monette may not agree with me on this; however, she has been the hardest person I have ever met to make happy, and that’s not even her fault. You see I am going to disclose a little secret right now; I have never met someone that their opinion mattered so much to me. I have been known to be stubborn and arrogant thinking that as long as it makes sense and seems like the right thing to do to me that the choice I made was the best course of action. Monette being happy, even though I am not always a success has been increasingly more of a priority to me. I know that I can’t personally make her happy but I know that I can influence it to a certain extent by being a better person. So since being with Monette it’s been like my daily goal to be better so her and the 2 boys (Bryson, Michael.) Some days I have had the humiliation of failing before we even get out of bed in the morning, but that just means I get to spend the day making up for my inadequacies. It’s been really hard trying to keep up with someone that I view as perfect but on the days I do it right it’s worth it.

If someone has some tips on how I can do things that work well because I am kind of clueless on the romance, and thoughtfulness department especially when it comes to being original. That would be great, at least for the purpose of ideas.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

My 11th prospect!

Hey everyone! It's Monette, the crazy woman that thought I found true love always and married 10 times before!;-) Now it is my turn to tell my side:-) When I first met Anthony, I worked with his mom and she told me she wanted him to come interview. When I met him he was a tall awkward 14 year old boy with the biggest heart that I had ever seen! I loved him instantly because of his sweet and funny personality. I had just gotten married to my second husband and we soon moved away.  Over the years I ran into his mom a few times and I always asked about Anthony. He came to see me when he was about 23. I was so happy to see him and I just still loved this great guy. He was single and I was in between marriages. I still never considered dating him. I have worked with many people over the years but for some reason I never forgot him or his family. When he contacted me in Dec. of 2010, I was so excited! I sent him my number and I told him to call me. I had been through so much. It is easy for me to joke about my stupid past but I was so tired and I didn't want to be with anyone. I was pretty jaded when it came to men and I was happy that someone that I loved was going to come hang out with me. Once again I had no plans on dating him. I just wanted my friend back in my life. When he came out to see me I saw him and oh my gosh! He was so tall, dark and handsome! I ran up and hugged him and when he put his arms around me I felt so comfortable and like we had always been together. It was such an amazing moment I can't put it in words. I assured him that there would be girls his age at the place we were going. I hoped he'd find one because the only thing worse than being in a relationship with guy to me was being in a relationship with a 28 year old! Despite my hesitation, we were completely comfortable the whole night. I told him all the deep dark secrets of my life because I felt like my long lost best friend that I could trust with anything was back! He took me home and I took him into the clubhouse to show him the tree I decorated. We sat and talked for hours. I don't know if I was shaking because it was cold or if it was because we had our faces so close and I so wanted him to kiss me so bad! I fell in love with him that night. He finally leaned in and kissed me. I didn't want him to leave. We have had some really tough times since then but conatantly he keeps showing up in every way for me. I have never had that before. I have tried to push him away and have been so scared so many times. How could this be real hadn't I thought that 10 times before?:-) I so love this man and I still feel that feeling when he hugs me. He is my home. Both of our children that live at home are estatic that we found each other because they both have a parent that they have been missing. Ok enough of the serious stuff...There have been way to many funny stories that have gotten us here and I can't wait to share! Oh and to help you out if the writing is in pink it is me. Blue means Anthony is talking. Sometimes I just like to point out the obvious! LOL 

15 years in the making!

I met Monette 15 years ago on January 26, 1996 at Smith’s Food & Drug. She was the in store coordinator and she is the person that gave me my job there. I forgot to mention that I was 14 years old at the time. She was like she is now from what I can see. She did not spend too much time hanging out with me probably because I was under aged and she was 28. In fact the only time we did spend together was when I helped her and her then husband move (Ken #2 & #3). Monette was not working at the store long before she transferred to a Vegas store. I only saw her once in between then and now for a couple hours.

Early December of 2010 had come and I was out with my mother and my mother’s friend Connie. Please don’t ask me why, let’s just say it was by chance so that everything could unravel the way it was supposed to. The two were talking and Connie an old friend of Monette’s had brought her up in conversation telling stories, and if you know Monette for more than an hour than you are sure to have a story to back it up with. It was that same night after I left the two and got to a computer to look Monette up, a bit cheesy but I missed her and I was compelled to reunite with an amazing woman. I sent her a message on Facebook; unaware to me that she lived on Facebook and responded to me in less than 24 hours, and in the middle of work I received her phone number and called her immediately. I had asked her if she wanted to see each other in a couple days for the weekend but she was not having that she wanted me to come up the same night. I didn’t put up any struggle because I wanted to see her too. I told my boss I had to get off early because I lived in Salt Lake and she was living way out in Eden. Like a 2 hour drive but I stayed the course and drove out through the canyon on a snowy night to see my old friend. When I got to her place to pick her up, I met Bryson for the first time, and her “roommate” Shelly. Obviously my jaw hit the floor when Monette came around the corner and she smiled. She made a B-line towards me and gave me the patented hug. We left to some hickory farms tavern out in Eden where all the locals went for a drink…. All 20 of them. Of course there was Karaoke and Monette sang great and in between her catching me up on the last 15 years and telling me that she had been married 10 times before. After a few hours and Monette calling a friend that will not be named, up to come hang out, but this was a night that he was being a boob and told her that he was going to come in his pajamas. He did come and thankfully not in his pajamas, tragically he was wearing his ridiculous cowboy hat and huge belt buckle. I met a couple locals the first night and everyone loving Monette we had people constantly coming over to talk. We stayed until closing and I took her home. We have been together ever since.