Wednesday, August 17, 2011

My 11th prospect!

Hey everyone! It's Monette, the crazy woman that thought I found true love always and married 10 times before!;-) Now it is my turn to tell my side:-) When I first met Anthony, I worked with his mom and she told me she wanted him to come interview. When I met him he was a tall awkward 14 year old boy with the biggest heart that I had ever seen! I loved him instantly because of his sweet and funny personality. I had just gotten married to my second husband and we soon moved away.  Over the years I ran into his mom a few times and I always asked about Anthony. He came to see me when he was about 23. I was so happy to see him and I just still loved this great guy. He was single and I was in between marriages. I still never considered dating him. I have worked with many people over the years but for some reason I never forgot him or his family. When he contacted me in Dec. of 2010, I was so excited! I sent him my number and I told him to call me. I had been through so much. It is easy for me to joke about my stupid past but I was so tired and I didn't want to be with anyone. I was pretty jaded when it came to men and I was happy that someone that I loved was going to come hang out with me. Once again I had no plans on dating him. I just wanted my friend back in my life. When he came out to see me I saw him and oh my gosh! He was so tall, dark and handsome! I ran up and hugged him and when he put his arms around me I felt so comfortable and like we had always been together. It was such an amazing moment I can't put it in words. I assured him that there would be girls his age at the place we were going. I hoped he'd find one because the only thing worse than being in a relationship with guy to me was being in a relationship with a 28 year old! Despite my hesitation, we were completely comfortable the whole night. I told him all the deep dark secrets of my life because I felt like my long lost best friend that I could trust with anything was back! He took me home and I took him into the clubhouse to show him the tree I decorated. We sat and talked for hours. I don't know if I was shaking because it was cold or if it was because we had our faces so close and I so wanted him to kiss me so bad! I fell in love with him that night. He finally leaned in and kissed me. I didn't want him to leave. We have had some really tough times since then but conatantly he keeps showing up in every way for me. I have never had that before. I have tried to push him away and have been so scared so many times. How could this be real hadn't I thought that 10 times before?:-) I so love this man and I still feel that feeling when he hugs me. He is my home. Both of our children that live at home are estatic that we found each other because they both have a parent that they have been missing. Ok enough of the serious stuff...There have been way to many funny stories that have gotten us here and I can't wait to share! Oh and to help you out if the writing is in pink it is me. Blue means Anthony is talking. Sometimes I just like to point out the obvious! LOL 

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