Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Wendy Weaver Stephens

I told you that I picked each bridesmaid that I am asking for a very specific reason for the part they have played in my life. I haven't even asked all of them yet if they would do it but now I have another week at least as I am only writing about one everyday!:-) When I was almost 15 in ninth grade my dad was killed in an accident. I was living in Idaho Falls and was very outgoing and happy. When my dad died I never thought I would be the same again. I started school at Weber High and I felt like I had been sent to a different country not a different state. We lived in a house where they called it "snob hill" and that is exactly what it was. I love all those people dearly now but it was hard to break into the "click". I had the most amazing English teacher Lynette Atkinson and she saved my life in that school. She took extra time with me and would sit in her office with me and let me cry when I missed my dad or my life I had left behind. This is where I first met Wendy. She was the sweetest, most naive person I had ever met! That is coming from Miss Naive herself! LOL Miss A sat me next to her and we were friends instantly! I remember how good it was to laugh and joke until we both cried and somehow feel like myself with her again! It is really funny because I think that is the only class we ever had together. She lived up in the Valley which back then felt like a day road trip to me and so we really never hung out that much out of school. It was just that year seeing each other everyday that helped pull me through that first year without my dad and a new school.  Anyone that knows her could tell you what a light she has! She is genuine and kind. Her bright spirit lifts everyone around her. I hadn't talked to her since high school and then we connected on facebook. Her first comment to me was how many friends I had and that she would know that is how if would be knowing me. I was just going through a horrible divorce (I know crazy! Like that ever happens;-) and once again her sunshine brightened my day! I don't think she ever knew what a huge impact she had on my life! She is one of those friends that you never forget and that is why I want her in my line on my special day!

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