Sunday, August 21, 2011

Picking my Bridesmaids:-)

This is one of my favorite parts of the wedding because I so love my friends. To have a whole group of us together dressed up celebrating my day is even better. I love weddings obviously but now that I do weddings for a living I can stop planning my own. LOL Truth is I have never really had a "real" wedding because it has always been rushed and I throw it together in 24 hours with a little help from my friends;-) One time Debbie, Maurie and I pulled one off in 24 hours with a special music for the wedding march, Styrofoam wedding cake and Debbie got a dress for me because I was on wedding 4 and never had a real wedding dress before. If the best man wouldn't have come in a plaid shirt and striped tie it would have been fabulous! LOL I have THE best friends in the world! I am going to post daily on each one of my bridesmaids and I will end with my maid or matron of honor. I also will tell you the friend or family member that has been to most of my weddings. I want you all to know how great and funny all my friends are. I have so many great friends I should have 20 bridesmaids at least but the ones I have picked I will tell you why there is a special significance to why they are in my line. The stories I will tell will sometimes seem untrue but I promise it all happened! LOL

1 comment:

  1. I knew from the moment I saw Monette that we were going to be friends. I walked into a meeting and I passed the table she was sitting at and she grabbed my arm and said "you are beautiful". I looked at her and said "thanks girl so are you." What a great way to start a friendship. We were able to work together at LA Weightloss for about 6 months. It was amazing we had fun every day & would laugh pretty much non stop. As far as a favorite memory there are so many, but one that means so much to me is the following(it is serious,sorry).I had just had a really BAD break up , my heart was broken & I pretty much thought I was never going to be happy again. I wasn't talking to anyone , I was absolutely miserable. Monette called me just to catch up & I told her about the break up & what a bad place I was in. She said "why didn't you call me, because if you are hurting this much I should know and share that with you.Promise me you will never let yourself hurt this much with out me agian." It made me feel so loved at a time when I needed it most. I could tell a million funny stories , but I feel that this one shows Monettes unending ability to love and share. She is the best and I am so grateful to be her friend.
    Love your guts,
