Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Jodi Walker Roland-#2 Bridesmaid

Well, well, well....Where do I begin with Jodi? I asked all my bridesmaids to write a funny memory that they had with me and she said she had never broken rules until she was friends with me! Glad I could help a girl out!;-) I actually was a really good girl back then and so was she, I just hated school! I met her in eighth grade. They closed down the Jr. High that I went to so I was split from all my friends because they went to the rival school and the rivalry in Idaho Falls was tense! LOL I was on a friend hunt and it couldn't be just any friend because my best friend that I always got into trouble with me in Mr. Tremaine's class was a hard act to follow. It was the first day of school and lo and behold I had Mr. Tremaine again! He moved with me, his favorite student to the new school. I was in his class missing my side kick Trinette when I looked over and there was the cutest girl with an awesome laugh. I liked her even more when she laughed really hard at my jokes! Mr. Tremaine was calling out the role and he said oh great! Nice to see you again Monette mustard mouth Dias! I thought that would make the class hate me but I was the instant star and had instant popularity. Who would have thought? Over the year Jodi and I had more fun in that class. She was so scared at first when I was telling her how I could get us out of class because yes she was such a good student. She remembers it that we were kicked out everyday but the truth is everyday we would walk into his class and tell him that we were needed somewhere.  He then would write us a hall pass and we would be gone the whole class time. I remember finding out that there was asbestos in the ceiling and we felt it our duty to take that time that we were out of his class to notify people. I can not believe that the whole year went by and not one teacher stopped us. By the middle of the year we would walk into class and before we could open our mouths he would say "I don't want to hear it Monette excuses Dias, just take the pass and go." Jodi was then known as Jodi mustard mouth Walker. I was soooo proud of her! I do have to add that we never got lower than a B in his class even though we were never there! She was such a fun friend and we spent most weekends having sleepovers. We had a mutual friend and somehow 3 girls just don't do well together and I am so sad that we didn't do much together the next year but we never stopped being friends. We found each other on facebook a year ago and we talked on the phone and she came to see me with her darling daughter at my store. It was such an awesome thing for me. We had an amazing talk and I felt so grateful that once again we were great friends. I am so lucky to call you friend Jodi!

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